Generously marbled with a buttery finish, American Wagyu offers the classic beefiness of American cows and the rich indulgence of Japanese Wagyu. Learn More

What is American Wagyu?
American Wagyu consists of Japanese-heritage, 100% Kuroge Washu bulls bred with American cows born and raised in the US. American Wagyu cattle are long-fed and raised over the course of 25 to 28 months (18 to 20 is an industry standard) to enhance heart-healthy unsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 linoleic acids from its Wagyu breed.

Wagyu is the pinnacle of beef quality, and our cooking guide will help you make the most of it. Experience the unique characteristics and flavors that define Wagyu. Let us guide you in preparing this exceptional meat to achieve that unforgettable, "eye-rolling" bite.

We researched Japanese sources and interviewed experts, including a Wagyu pioneer and the President of the American Wagyu Association. We also met with top Purebred and Fullblood Wagyu ranches to uncover the truth about this exceptional beef.

We’re diving deeper into Wagyu, exploring new levels and special varieties. We've offered A5 Wagyu from Japan, fullblood Wagyu finished on grain in America, and purebred Wagyu raised on a 100% grass diet. Today, we introduce Wagyu-Angus cross from American pioneer Dr. Jerry Reeves.