Blog posts tagged 'New York Steak':
I'll Take My Steak Medium Rare, of Course!
January 22nd, 2022 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 11,252 times • 2 min read
There is no one perfect way to cook a steak, but many argue that the perfect way is to cook it medium rare. That's a steak with a nice, rosy pink inside and a nice brown crust on the outside. A medium rare steak is cooked to an internal temperature of 135-140 degrees Fahrenheit on the inside. Internal doneness and crust doneness are two different matters! When it comes to flavor, the crust is where much of the action is. The Maillard...
The science behind dry brining and how it makes your steak better
January 9th, 2022 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 26,932 times • 1 min read
Dry brining is a process by which meat is seasoned with salt well before cooking to greatly boost the quality of your steak with hardly any extra work. Why dry brine? Salt is a flavor amplifier. When it’s used to dry brine meat, it not only seasons the surface, but it also starts the process pulling some water from the meat, tightening the surface up, and helping to boost the Maillard reaction when you sear it. The Maillard reaction is...