Blog posts tagged 'Sous Vide':
How to Sous Vide A5 Wagyu (& Is That Even a Good Idea?)
January 15th, 2019 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 118,898 times • less than one min read
Wait... you can sous vide A5 Wagyu?! Yes, you can absolutely sous vide A5 Wagyu. Think sous vide will make the fat melt away... nope. It won’t. Is it a good idea? Well, when I traveled to Japan and ate my body weight in A5 Wagyu with former Alinea Executive Chef Mike Bagale, I asked him about it and he said that yes, he always sous vides A5 Wagyu. Here’s the procedure that he recommends: Sous vide at 58° Celcius (135° Fahrenheit) for...
Wild for Wagyu? Try these techniques
July 26th, 2018 by Caitlin Postal • Read 16,857 times • 2 min read
We taught you how to cut your beef like the Japanese and perfectly prepare your A5 Wagyu. We wanted to find a few more ways to cook your Wagyu, so we checked out the #A5Wagyu tag on Instagram to see how beef buffs prep their platters. Not going to lie: these breakout stars are a party just waiting to happen. Beef Up Your Brunch Some say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so we say specially prepared Wagyu beef should be the...
How to Cook Grass-Fed Steak
April 26th, 2018 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 23,249 times • 1 min read
Grass-fed, grass-finished beef is absolutely delicious — make no mistake. We’ve known more than a few people who swore they’d never eat anything but grain-finished convert to grass evangelists after trying a well-raised grass-finished steak. At risk of going full beef-nerd on you, I’ll quickly explain: Grain-finished beef is known for marbling and tenderness because grain helps cows gain weight more quickly and reliably, and because grains...
Understanding Sous Vide Cooking with The Sous Vide Guy
April 15th, 2017 by Laura T. • Read 17,722 times • 3 min read
Does sous vide cooking seem like it's all the rage in the food industry these days? You've likely seen it on TV or in food magazines and blogs, but weren't quite sure how to do it yourself. We sat down with Derek Gaughan, founder of the site Sous Vide Guy, to learn what sous vide cooking is all about, and how you can get started at home. CC: Sous vide cooking is increasingly featured in cooking magazines and blogs. Why is it generating...
Sansaire and the Art of Sous Vide
July 16th, 2015 by Joe Heitzeberg • Read 7,457 times • 2 min read
I recently had the great pleasure of cooking up some Gleason steaks from Crowd Cow's first event sous vide style by none other than Scott Heimendinger, an innovator working to bring sous vide to the masses, and co-founder of Sansaire, a leading sous vide device maker. Scott previously worked at Modernist Cuisine's culinary lab (the group led by Microsoft's former CTO that created an epic, 6-volume cook booked named "the most important...